Why the value of cryptocurrency does not diminish the value of distributed ledger technology

Having followed the meteoric surge and subsequent drop in cryptocurrency prices over the past couple of years, one might be tempted to conclude that the underlying technology, blockchain or other distributed ledgers, are to blame for the implosion of cryptocurrency pricing we are suddenly experiencing.

In reality, this could not be farther from the truth, as the underlying blockchain technology has proven to be highly reliable over the course of this rise and fall in crypto pricing. Other factors, such as change in investor sentiment (there was a bubble after all), tightening government regulation on ICOs and the inability of existing tokenized currencies to functionally replace fiat currencies for payments are all substantially to blame for the recent drops in prices of cryptocurrencies.

That said, the somewhat wild distraction of crypto pricing fluctuations does not impede the use of distributed ledger technology for building a new breed of decentralized applications for the enterprise. Not only has distributed ledger technology proven to be operationally solid, it enables huge benefits ranging from non-repudiation, new sharing economies outside the boundaries of organizations and a promise of a future where trusted networks and smart contracts can replace the costly intermediaries we rely on a regular basis.

Enter companies like Attestiv, that help solve the difficult problem of provenance of photos and media in a way that requires no forensic analysis or expertise, maintains chain of custody and helps reduce costs while lessening reliance on intermediaries. This is where the enterprise value of blockchain technology begins to shine. It’s enterprise solutions that promise to catapult distributed ledger technology from an intriguing payment system, that may or may not ultimately replace fiat currency, to a technology staple that will become mandatory for many organizations over the next several years.

While enterprise adoption will unlikely happen overnight, distributed ledger technology is ready today and quickly evolving into easily consumable applications for organizations of all sizes and even individuals. Is there more work to be done? You bet. Over the coming months, expect to see tremendous improvements in the scale and economics of distributed ledger networks and the co-application of new technologies such as AI.

It’s an exciting time and we invite you on this transformational journey that will make distributed ledger technology an IT revolution!

Picture of Nicos Vekiarides

Nicos Vekiarides

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Attestiv provides authenticity and validation for digital photos, videos and documents using patented tamper-proofing blockchain technology and AI analysis. 

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Nicos Vekiarides

Nicos Vekiarides

Nicos Vekiarides is the Chief Executive Officer & co-founder of Attestiv. He has spent the past 20+ years in enterprise IT and cloud, as a CEO & entrepreneur, bringing innovative new technologies to market. His previous startup, TwinStrata, an innovative cloud storage company where he pioneered cloud-integrated storage for the enterprise, was acquired by EMC in 2014. Before that, he brought to market the industry’s first storage virtualization appliance for StorageApps, a company later acquired by HP.

Nicos holds 6 technology patents in storage, networking and cloud technology and has published numerous articles on new technologies. Nicos is a partner at Mentors Fund, an early-stage venture fund, a mentor at Founder Institute Boston, where he coaches first-time entrepreneurs, and an advisor to several companies. Nicos holds degrees from MIT and Carnegie Mellon University.

Mark Morley

Mark Morley is the Chief Operating Officer of Attestiv.

He received his formative Data Integrity training at Deloitte. Served as the CFO of Iomega (NYSE), the international manufacturer of Zip storage devices, at the time,  the second fastest-growing public company in the U.S.. He served as the CFO of Encore Computer (NASDAQ) as it grew from Revenue of $2 million to over $200 million. During “Desert Storm”, Mark was required to hold the highest U.S. and NATO clearances.

Mark authored a seminal article on Data Integrity online (Wall Street Journal Online). Additionally, he served as EVP, General Counsel and CFO at Digital Guardian, a high-growth cybersecurity company.

Earlier in his career, he worked at an independent insurance agency, Amica as a claims representative, and was the CEO of the captive insurance subsidiary of a NYSE company.

He obtained Bachelor (Economics) and Doctor of Law degrees from Boston College and is a graduate of Harvard Business School.