Are fake photos and videos a looming epidemic?

Have you ever found yourself questioning the veracity of a photo or video that you saw online? If the answer is yes, that likely puts you in the majority of the population.

If your best method of analyzing a suspicious photo or video is a critical stare in an attempt to spot inconsistencies, that may not serve you well much longer.

I invite all of you to read my recently posted LinkedIn article entitled Real or Fake? How we landed on the cusp of an epidemic and how it can be solved in 2019. While writing the article and taking a moment to ponder just how much of an epidemic fake photos and videos have become, an old colleague of mine shared a recent article from Wired regarding how AI is being used to fake images. The implications of AI-assist for editing photos and videos suggest we are rapidly advancing to the point where faking photos is moving out of the realm of the expert photographer or creative technologist and into a realm where nearly anyone can use AI to alter an image. Just as importantly, the tampering is becoming harder and harder to detect.

Take a look at the article and visit our solutions page to see what we are doing to help organizations avoid this potentially costly problem. And let us know: do you think fake photos and video are a looming epidemic?

Picture of Nicos Vekiarides

Nicos Vekiarides

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Attestiv provides authenticity and validation for digital photos, videos and documents using patented tamper-proofing blockchain technology and AI analysis. 

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Nicos Vekiarides

Nicos Vekiarides

Nicos Vekiarides is the Chief Executive Officer & co-founder of Attestiv. He has spent the past 20+ years in enterprise IT and cloud, as a CEO & entrepreneur, bringing innovative new technologies to market. His previous startup, TwinStrata, an innovative cloud storage company where he pioneered cloud-integrated storage for the enterprise, was acquired by EMC in 2014. Before that, he brought to market the industry’s first storage virtualization appliance for StorageApps, a company later acquired by HP.

Nicos holds 6 technology patents in storage, networking and cloud technology and has published numerous articles on new technologies. Nicos is a partner at Mentors Fund, an early-stage venture fund, a mentor at Founder Institute Boston, where he coaches first-time entrepreneurs, and an advisor to several companies. Nicos holds degrees from MIT and Carnegie Mellon University.

Mark Morley

Mark Morley is the Chief Operating Officer of Attestiv.

He received his formative Data Integrity training at Deloitte. Served as the CFO of Iomega (NYSE), the international manufacturer of Zip storage devices, at the time,  the second fastest-growing public company in the U.S.. He served as the CFO of Encore Computer (NASDAQ) as it grew from Revenue of $2 million to over $200 million. During “Desert Storm”, Mark was required to hold the highest U.S. and NATO clearances.

Mark authored a seminal article on Data Integrity online (Wall Street Journal Online). Additionally, he served as EVP, General Counsel and CFO at Digital Guardian, a high-growth cybersecurity company.

Earlier in his career, he worked at an independent insurance agency, Amica as a claims representative, and was the CEO of the captive insurance subsidiary of a NYSE company.

He obtained Bachelor (Economics) and Doctor of Law degrees from Boston College and is a graduate of Harvard Business School.