Does the fingerprint watermark my media files?
No, Attestiv stores a fingerprint of each media asset on a ledger, which can be validated at any time thereafter. The fingerprint does not change the rendering or the metadata of the media file (photo, document, or video).
How do I fingerprint a photo or video through my app?
Attestiv offers a library through which you can fingerprint photos or videos as they are captured or alternatively, can import photos or videos after they are captured to ensure subsequent integrity.
How do I fingerprint a photo or video?
If you use Attestiv web apps or our APIs to capture a photo or video, it will be automatically fingerprinted at the point it is captured.
How does Attestiv fingerprinting work?
Attestiv’s fingerprint is a unique signature that represents the contents of a digital asset. These fingerprints are sent to the Attestiv platform, where they are collected and written to an immutable ledger. Once a file (photo, document, or video) has been altered, the fingerprint will no longer match.
Can Attestiv analyze a large number of existing files I have?
Attestiv offers a utility that analyzes folders and/or subfolders with files, producing a spreadsheet output that includes all scoring. Attestiv also offers integrations with certain systems for continuous analysis.
How do I get access to Attestiv APIs?
Getting access to Attestiv APIs is as simple as signing up for one of our plans that provides API access in addition to the dashboard. API documentation is available in the documentation section of the dashboard.
What differentiates Attestiv from other forensic analysis solutions?
Our cloud-scale approach is unique in that we can process large amounts of data and quickly identify potential instances of manipulation and fraud. Our solution is also much more comprehensive than many “AI-only” detectors on the market. We provide a combination of real-time fingerprinting, triage, and deep scan using heatmaps which represents the most complete […]
My organization hasn’t experienced fraud from photos or media – why should I consider Attestiv?
Technology to manipulate photos and videos using generative AI has begun to proliferate, with results getting more difficult to detect. Unless you are using technology to detect media manipulations or generative AI, chances are you may not realize the presence of fakes. Regardless of whether your organization has experienced fraud, it now makes sense to […]
Is there a minimum photo size Attestiv will analyze?
Our minimums are tunable, but by default, a photo less than 640×480 resolution may bypass some models. Although the minimum can be set lower, low-resolution images tend to impact the quality of results.
How long does it take for Attestiv to analyze a file?
Typically, the analysis can take between one and several seconds, depending on factors such as the size, resolution, type of file, and how many anomalies are identified, since it takes extra time if we have a long list of anomalies to report on. Because Attestiv uses cloud-scale processing with GPUs, multiple requests are serviced simultaneously […]